In another one day we will move into a new year. It is also the time to bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new year.It is the time for new beginnings and new starts in life that will fill our heart with new hopes and new opportunities.
wish you and your family a happy, healthy and prosperous new year.
nota kaki:
oh saya kena kejer 1,2 & 3 January 2010.. Huhu monitor year end Job.. tapi sib baik kejer dr umah sajork..
Hari ni pun saya kejer dr umah sebab Danisha pulak kena chicken pox huhu
I love to blog/talk about my family. These sincere sharings are to tell you that family bonding is on top of my life agenda and i believe that each one of us have a uniqueness that others can leverage on. Being very family-oriented, I hope all my entries can contribute by 'prosperizing' other family. This world needs great family towards building great ummah :)
Doa utk Semua
Ya Allah cukupkan rizki padaku, berkahilah rezeki itu dan gantikan semua yg hilang dengan yang lebih baik lagi. Ya Allah sukakan diriku pd IMAN dan hiasi hatiku dengan IMAN itu. Ya Allah sembuhkan bila ada teman-teman yg sakit, lunasi bagi yang berhutang, mudahkan jodoh yg soleh/solehah bagi yg belum, mudahkan pekerjaan bila yang belum mendapatkannya.. ameen
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Keutamaan mempunyai anak perempuan
Terbaca ni kat blog Kak Rose aka crazy beautiful... saya copy & paste jerk apa yg kak rose tulis yak..
buku 111 wasiat rasulullah S.A.W untuk wanita solehah salah satu nyer ader yang menarik ati aku iaitu wasiat ke 10 - Keutamaan mempunyai anak perempuan.
buku 111 wasiat rasulullah S.A.W untuk wanita solehah salah satu nyer ader yang menarik ati aku iaitu wasiat ke 10 - Keutamaan mempunyai anak perempuan.
Iman Ghazali dalam perkara ini berpendapat, hendaknya orang jangan terlalu bergembira kerana mempunyai anak lelaki, dan jangan pula terlalu susah kerana mempunyai anak perempuan, kerana belum tahu yang mana di atnara mereka yang lebih baik. Banyak orang yang mempunyai harapan supaya mereka dapat anak lelaki dan banyak juga yang mengharapkan supaya mereka punya anak perempuan, bahawasanya, kebahagiaan itu biasanya terdapat pada banyaknya anak perempuan dan pahala itupun lebih banyak terdapat pada anak-anak perempuan.
Dalam perkara ini Rasulullah SAW bersabda:
"Barangsiapa yang mengasuh atau memelihara dua orang anak perempuan sehingga besar, nanti pada hari kiamat aku dengan dia seperti ini, sambil Nabi merapatkan jarinya"
"Barangsiapa yang mendapat kesusahan disebabkan mempunyai anak-anak perempuan, tetapi dia tetap berlaku baik kepada mereka, nanti pada hari kiamat mereka akan menjadi dinding baginya dari api neraka"
"Barangsiapa yang memelihara dua atau tiga anak perempuan atau dua tiga saudara perempuan serta mendidiknya, maka orang itu akan masuk syurga.
"Barangsiapa yang mempunyai tiga anak perempuan yang dipeliharanya, disayanginya dan dididiknya tentulah ia mendapat syurga"
Astro Byond
Ari tu hubby dah call astro cakap kami nak upgrade to Astro Byond.. memula dia kata akan dtg pasang dlm 10 hari bekerja..tapi dah lebih 2 minggu masih sunyi sepi jerk.. so tadi hubby sudah kasik email panas siap cc kat Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia..terus astro tepon balik and dia cakap petang ni dtg pasang.. yippie yeay..
Email Hubby:
I would like to highlight a grievance towards the service delivery provided by ASTRO in upgrading the current Astro package to the B.Yond package. When the news broke on the 12 Dec 2009, I was among the firsts to call in agreeing subscribing to this new package.
I called on the 12 Dec 2009 and the help desk assistant was resourceful and fast in accommodating on my request upgrading from current package to B.Yond package. And I was told that it will take me 10 working days before I could enjoy the new B.Yond package. Before ending the conversation, I did requested for any reference number, but the telephonist assistant assured me that will again contact me for further action.
On the 15 Dec 2009, the help desk assistant did call me to explain the terms and conditions of the B.Yond package, and assured me that the Astro installer will be calling me within the next few days. Until now there is nobody has followed through by calling me to determine to date of installation.
My grievance here is when a customer has been promised on the Service Level agreement of ten days, it should be fulfilled. I have yet to receive any calls on the status of the B.Yond package installation. Now, two weeks has passed, NOTHING HAS BEEN DONE.
Perhaps by extending this email to the respective ministries, ASTRO would improve their service delivery and live your service email - Don't just be merely a slogan.
Even the government has improved their service delivery.
Yrs faithfully.
Aziz Halim
Reply from Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia
Dear Sir,
Thank you for highlighting the matter to the Malaysian Communicatons and Multimedia Commisions (SKMM).
If you are not satisfied with the resolution or no action taken by your service provider on this complaint, please do not hesitate to email to us or contact our hotline number at 1800 888 030 (Mon-Fri 8.30am to 5.30pm).
Thank you.
SKMM Consumer Complaints Bureau
Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia
63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor
So apakah Astro Byond tu u ols?
Ni ringkasan apa yg saya baca & faham dr website ini:
Astro Byond membolehkan para pengguna menonton siaran dalam bentuk definisi tinggi (HDTV). Dan untuk menjayakannya, Astro bakal membawakan dekoder dan juga alat kawalan jauh yang baru. Kat dekoder baru ni astro akan activate kan PVR (personal video recorder) kat decoder baru ni…
Tapi bukan semua channel astro ditayangkan dalam format HD yak u ols..buat masa sekarang hanya 4 siaran yg disiarkan dalam HD…iaitu Astro supersport HD, HBO HD, Nat Geo HD, History HD…
HDTV kalau nak bandingkan dgn SDTV memang sangat-sangat ketara perbezaanya.. tapi perbezaan ni hanya akan dapat dilihat kalau pakai HDTV yang ada HDMI input.. most LCD/Plasma skrg memang HDTV yang ada HDMI input… so, bila berlaih ke HD takde dah gambar kembang, dan org jadi gemuk/pendek sebab stretching kat HDTV… TV biasa atau SDTV disiarkan dalam aspect ratio 4:3 (gambar 4 segi tepat)…, manakala HDTV disiarkan dalam format 16:9 (gambar lebar).. Astro memang pakai digital semenjak tarikh pelancaran dia pada tahun 1996 dulu… tapi astro hanya digital dari AABC sampailah ke dish kita je.. bila sampai ke decoder, dia akan di convertkan ke analogue sebab TV biasa hanya fama signal analogue kecualilah TV HDTV tu…
saya pun tak tahu lagiks camana la rupa paras gambo2 biler dah bertukar ker astro byond ni yak u ols.. nanti biler dah pasang saya share ngan u ols yak!
Email Hubby:
I would like to highlight a grievance towards the service delivery provided by ASTRO in upgrading the current Astro package to the B.Yond package. When the news broke on the 12 Dec 2009, I was among the firsts to call in agreeing subscribing to this new package.
I called on the 12 Dec 2009 and the help desk assistant was resourceful and fast in accommodating on my request upgrading from current package to B.Yond package. And I was told that it will take me 10 working days before I could enjoy the new B.Yond package. Before ending the conversation, I did requested for any reference number, but the telephonist assistant assured me that will again contact me for further action.
On the 15 Dec 2009, the help desk assistant did call me to explain the terms and conditions of the B.Yond package, and assured me that the Astro installer will be calling me within the next few days. Until now there is nobody has followed through by calling me to determine to date of installation.
My grievance here is when a customer has been promised on the Service Level agreement of ten days, it should be fulfilled. I have yet to receive any calls on the status of the B.Yond package installation. Now, two weeks has passed, NOTHING HAS BEEN DONE.
Perhaps by extending this email to the respective ministries, ASTRO would improve their service delivery and live your service email - Don't just be merely a slogan.
Even the government has improved their service delivery.
Yrs faithfully.
Aziz Halim
Reply from Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia
Dear Sir,
Thank you for highlighting the matter to the Malaysian Communicatons and Multimedia Commisions (SKMM).
If you are not satisfied with the resolution or no action taken by your service provider on this complaint, please do not hesitate to email to us or contact our hotline number at 1800 888 030 (Mon-Fri 8.30am to 5.30pm).
Thank you.
SKMM Consumer Complaints Bureau
Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia
63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor
So apakah Astro Byond tu u ols?
Ni ringkasan apa yg saya baca & faham dr website ini:
Astro Byond membolehkan para pengguna menonton siaran dalam bentuk definisi tinggi (HDTV). Dan untuk menjayakannya, Astro bakal membawakan dekoder dan juga alat kawalan jauh yang baru. Kat dekoder baru ni astro akan activate kan PVR (personal video recorder) kat decoder baru ni…
Tapi bukan semua channel astro ditayangkan dalam format HD yak u ols..buat masa sekarang hanya 4 siaran yg disiarkan dalam HD…iaitu Astro supersport HD, HBO HD, Nat Geo HD, History HD…
HDTV kalau nak bandingkan dgn SDTV memang sangat-sangat ketara perbezaanya.. tapi perbezaan ni hanya akan dapat dilihat kalau pakai HDTV yang ada HDMI input.. most LCD/Plasma skrg memang HDTV yang ada HDMI input… so, bila berlaih ke HD takde dah gambar kembang, dan org jadi gemuk/pendek sebab stretching kat HDTV… TV biasa atau SDTV disiarkan dalam aspect ratio 4:3 (gambar 4 segi tepat)…, manakala HDTV disiarkan dalam format 16:9 (gambar lebar).. Astro memang pakai digital semenjak tarikh pelancaran dia pada tahun 1996 dulu… tapi astro hanya digital dari AABC sampailah ke dish kita je.. bila sampai ke decoder, dia akan di convertkan ke analogue sebab TV biasa hanya fama signal analogue kecualilah TV HDTV tu…
saya pun tak tahu lagiks camana la rupa paras gambo2 biler dah bertukar ker astro byond ni yak u ols.. nanti biler dah pasang saya share ngan u ols yak!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
U ols amik apa2 supplement tak hari2? Selain ubat2an peknen (obimin & pil calcium) & amway double X, saya & hubby amik barley green ini...
Ini saya google kebaikan barley green dr harigawa ni:
Barley grass is one of the green grasses - the only vegetation on the earth that can supply sole nutritional support from birth to old age. The true beauty of barley is found in the leaves; the young green shoots of power that form before the grain.
The young leaves have a tremendous ability to absorb nutrients from the soil. When barley leaves are 12-14 inches high, they contain all the vitamins, minerals, and proteins necessary for the human diet, plus chlorophyll. These necessities are easily assimilated throughout the digestive tract, giving our bodies instant access to vital nutrients.
Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. Proteins are the major constituent of every cell and body fluid (except urine and bile) and are thus necessary for the continual cell building, regeneration, and energy production that we need for life.
Green barley leaves contain a multitude of the body's spark plugs, enzymes. Enzymes supply the spark that starts the essential chemical reactions our bodies need to live. Without this spark, and these chemical reactions, we would be helpless: a bag of bones, unable to walk, talk, blink, or breathe.
Green barley leaves are extremely alkaline, so digesting them can help keep the body's alkaline and acidity ratio balanced. Our cells cannot adequately function if the pH range (which measures acidity and alkaline) is not in a narrow range. Most processed foods are acidic, and when we consume too many of them the acidity/alkaline balance is upset.
kalau u ols nak tau lebih lanjut u ols google jerlah yak ekeke
Ini rupa bentuk serbuk dia... amik sesudu & bancuh ngan air kosong.. gunakan cawan & sudu plastik yak u ols..
ni gambo air hijau yg telah dibancuh.. mmm saya suka jerk rasa dia
Selain dr barley green ni hubby jugak amik lemon + madu pagi & petang.. petua ni ayah mentua saya yg selalu dok amal.. ini utk amalan bagi sesapa yg kandungan uric acid dia tinggi yg boleh sebab kan gout.
Bahan2 yg diperlukan adalah lemon & madu, belah 2 yak u ols lemon tu, amik setengah lemon, perah amik jus dia.. campur ngan madu & air... madu tu satu sudu besar.. kacau2 hingga sebati.. pas tu boleh minum.. mmg masam tapi sedap..
Hubby kata sejak amalkan minum lemon & madu ni, tak der dah rasa sakit2 kaki, kencing pun lawas.. mmg bagus lah..
tau tak u ols lemon + honey ni jugak adalah satu cara utk turunkan berat badan..
Honey and lemon juice: Honey can also help in weight loss, when consumed with warm water and lemon juice. Many people drink this formula, first thing in the morning to reduce their weight.

- The original Barley green formula developed by Dr. Hagiwara
- Perfect for those who struggle to eat enough vegetables.
- Rich source of vitamins, enzymes, minerals, amino acids and much more
- Improved mental clarity; digestion and regularity; skin, hair and nails; and healthy cardiovascular support.
Barley grass is one of the green grasses - the only vegetation on the earth that can supply sole nutritional support from birth to old age. The true beauty of barley is found in the leaves; the young green shoots of power that form before the grain.
The young leaves have a tremendous ability to absorb nutrients from the soil. When barley leaves are 12-14 inches high, they contain all the vitamins, minerals, and proteins necessary for the human diet, plus chlorophyll. These necessities are easily assimilated throughout the digestive tract, giving our bodies instant access to vital nutrients.
Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. Proteins are the major constituent of every cell and body fluid (except urine and bile) and are thus necessary for the continual cell building, regeneration, and energy production that we need for life.
An added benefit of the green barley leaf proteins is that they are polypeptides; smaller proteins that can be directly absorbed by the blood, where they promote cell metabolism (the chemical changes that we need to live) and neutralize substances that are bad for our health.
Green barley leaves contain a multitude of the body's spark plugs, enzymes. Enzymes supply the spark that starts the essential chemical reactions our bodies need to live. Without this spark, and these chemical reactions, we would be helpless: a bag of bones, unable to walk, talk, blink, or breathe.
Astounding amounts of vitamins and minerals are found in green barley leaves. Green barley leaves also contain significant amounts of chlorophyll.
Green barley leaves are extremely alkaline, so digesting them can help keep the body's alkaline and acidity ratio balanced. Our cells cannot adequately function if the pH range (which measures acidity and alkaline) is not in a narrow range. Most processed foods are acidic, and when we consume too many of them the acidity/alkaline balance is upset.
kalau u ols nak tau lebih lanjut u ols google jerlah yak ekeke
Ini rupa bentuk serbuk dia... amik sesudu & bancuh ngan air kosong.. gunakan cawan & sudu plastik yak u ols..




tau tak u ols lemon + honey ni jugak adalah satu cara utk turunkan berat badan..
Honey and lemon juice: Honey can also help in weight loss, when consumed with warm water and lemon juice. Many people drink this formula, first thing in the morning to reduce their weight.
Kasut baru
Mak mentua saya bagi kasut ini.. lalalala.. tq mak! muahhss..
charles & keith tu wuwuwuwuwu... mak mentua saya adalah yg terbaik.. ewah ekekeke
Hubby seriau tgk saya masih la dok pakai kasut tinggi2 walaupun perut dah makin besar neh ekeke.. so masa kat subang parade jumaat lepas hubby ajak masuk primavera & belikan sandal rendah ni utk ai.. ada 50%.. dr rm100+ dapat kurang jadiks Rm50+..
Sgt selesa
sesuai utk perempuan mengandung macam saya ahaks
.. so semu kasut2 tinggi kasik simpan masuk kotak lah buat masa sekarang yak u ols ekekeke... hubby dah bising haha






Purple is cool
The Color Psychology of Purple amacam okes tak color ni u ols? lepas ni leh tampal frame gambo tantek2 la kat dinding yeszaa...
family hall,
projek mengcasa impian rumah
Aktiviti cuti krismas, sabtu & ahad
Jumaat 25 Dec 2009
Pagi2.. saya & anak2 melepak umah pil.... hubby lak tunggu umah sebab ada org nak dtg cucuk itu ubat anai2 kat dlm & kawasan umah.. sian hubby.. sampai kul 3 kot baru org tu selesai buat kejer..
dia charge rm1000 tapi kira murah lah sebab kawasan umah kami luas.. pas tu leh kautim bayar 2 kali ekekeke.. so bulan ni bayar rm500 dulu.. lagi rm500 bulan depan. Abg Nuar ni mmg baik.. kami selalu panggil dia sembur ubat semut 3 bulan sekali.. tapi kali ni hubby nak suh buat utk yg anai2 punya sekali tu yg mahal sikit tu sebab dia kena drill lubang kecit2 dlm umah & cucuk/pam ubat dlm tanah tu u ols.. mintak ajer la tolong apa mesti dia tolong.. ari tu masa ada ular tedung kat laman umah ayah mentua saya, call dia jugak mintak tolong tangkap. mmg senang lah deal ngan dia :-)
Biler dapat green light dr hubby baru saya bawak anak2 balik umah...bukan apa bau ubat tu kuat sangat.. tak nak anak2 terhidu.. kami tinggalkan maid kemas umah.. kami bawak anak2 ker subang parade.. beli pakaian & kelengkapan sekolah Najihah kat Parkson. Habis dekat rm300.. adeh itu baru sorang yg sekolah.. bukak sekolah ni pulak nak bayar yuran smartreader haris pulak.. mm.. esok nak daftar kumon najihah pulak.. utk kelas english & math.. satu subjek rm120, 2 subjek maknanya rm240..adeh..
Selesai beli baju, kasut etc.. gi makan nasik padang kat sari ayu sebelah TGI Friday's tu u ols.... pergh..sedapnyer... nyum2.. kena la dlm rm140 utk 4 org dewasa (saya, hubby, pil) dan 3 org budak2 makan.. mmg berbaloi2..
Sabtu 26 Dec 2009
Hari ni kami pegi kenduri anak ex boss kami dulu..En Khuzaini, kat dewan apa ntah kat Setiawangsa.. Boleh terjumpa lak tu ngan paed haris doc Musa.. tapi tak sempat tegur dia sebab dia busy borak2 segan lak nak pi kacau ekekeke... nanti next appointment haris saya cakap lah saya nampak dia ekeke... entah2 dia tu abg en.knuzaini tak? muka ala2 sejenis jerk ekekeke...
En. Khuzaini ni sgt best.. dia ni master dlm HR..
Balik dr kenduri hujan adalah sgt lebat..raining cats & dogs omputih kata ahaks.. singgah petronas solat zohor.. pas tu berdesup balik umah.. malam tapau makanan kat pasar malam puncak alam..
Ahad 27 Dec 2009
Oh hari ni bday adik saya, Edlee.. muleh saya terlupa wish.. "Happy Bday Lee!!" ekekeke..
hari ni hari mengemas & lepak dirumah sedunia.. Hubby pagi2 lagiks selepas subuh dah start kejer2 mengecat kat family hall kat tingkat atas.. kami cat color purple.. baru la sedondon ngan carpet & langsir ai... aww.. i loike.. kami guna cat mahal kali ni...KCC.. yg boleh lap kalau kena conteng tu u ols.. sebab dah 2 kali cat dinding sini u ols.. dulu2 haris & najihah yg conteng... sekarang ni danisha.. akan datang qaireen mungkin? hahaha... Lepas ni kasik tukar lampu cantik color kuning.. wuwuwuw baru best layan tv kat atas.. pas tu bawak sofa bawah naik atas.. sofa bawah beli yg baru yg lebih elok & mahal hubby kata.. lorenzo? *wink*..
Minggu depan hubby plan nak cat dapur ai pulak.. saya request color hijau epal.. suka suka suka.. tq laling..
Petang biler dah settle semua bawak anak2 & maid beli barang kat tesco.. maid saya nak pi shopping ekeke...
Balik tapau kfc lepas tu kebabom.. pengsan sampai pagi.
Pagi2.. saya & anak2 melepak umah pil.... hubby lak tunggu umah sebab ada org nak dtg cucuk itu ubat anai2 kat dlm & kawasan umah.. sian hubby.. sampai kul 3 kot baru org tu selesai buat kejer..
dia charge rm1000 tapi kira murah lah sebab kawasan umah kami luas.. pas tu leh kautim bayar 2 kali ekekeke.. so bulan ni bayar rm500 dulu.. lagi rm500 bulan depan. Abg Nuar ni mmg baik.. kami selalu panggil dia sembur ubat semut 3 bulan sekali.. tapi kali ni hubby nak suh buat utk yg anai2 punya sekali tu yg mahal sikit tu sebab dia kena drill lubang kecit2 dlm umah & cucuk/pam ubat dlm tanah tu u ols.. mintak ajer la tolong apa mesti dia tolong.. ari tu masa ada ular tedung kat laman umah ayah mentua saya, call dia jugak mintak tolong tangkap. mmg senang lah deal ngan dia :-)
Biler dapat green light dr hubby baru saya bawak anak2 balik umah...bukan apa bau ubat tu kuat sangat.. tak nak anak2 terhidu.. kami tinggalkan maid kemas umah.. kami bawak anak2 ker subang parade.. beli pakaian & kelengkapan sekolah Najihah kat Parkson. Habis dekat rm300.. adeh itu baru sorang yg sekolah.. bukak sekolah ni pulak nak bayar yuran smartreader haris pulak.. mm.. esok nak daftar kumon najihah pulak.. utk kelas english & math.. satu subjek rm120, 2 subjek maknanya rm240..adeh..
Selesai beli baju, kasut etc.. gi makan nasik padang kat sari ayu sebelah TGI Friday's tu u ols.... pergh..sedapnyer... nyum2.. kena la dlm rm140 utk 4 org dewasa (saya, hubby, pil) dan 3 org budak2 makan.. mmg berbaloi2..
Sabtu 26 Dec 2009
Hari ni kami pegi kenduri anak ex boss kami dulu..En Khuzaini, kat dewan apa ntah kat Setiawangsa.. Boleh terjumpa lak tu ngan paed haris doc Musa.. tapi tak sempat tegur dia sebab dia busy borak2 segan lak nak pi kacau ekekeke... nanti next appointment haris saya cakap lah saya nampak dia ekeke... entah2 dia tu abg en.knuzaini tak? muka ala2 sejenis jerk ekekeke...
En. Khuzaini ni sgt best.. dia ni master dlm HR..
Balik dr kenduri hujan adalah sgt lebat..raining cats & dogs omputih kata ahaks.. singgah petronas solat zohor.. pas tu berdesup balik umah.. malam tapau makanan kat pasar malam puncak alam..
Ahad 27 Dec 2009
Oh hari ni bday adik saya, Edlee.. muleh saya terlupa wish.. "Happy Bday Lee!!" ekekeke..
hari ni hari mengemas & lepak dirumah sedunia.. Hubby pagi2 lagiks selepas subuh dah start kejer2 mengecat kat family hall kat tingkat atas.. kami cat color purple.. baru la sedondon ngan carpet & langsir ai... aww.. i loike.. kami guna cat mahal kali ni...KCC.. yg boleh lap kalau kena conteng tu u ols.. sebab dah 2 kali cat dinding sini u ols.. dulu2 haris & najihah yg conteng... sekarang ni danisha.. akan datang qaireen mungkin? hahaha... Lepas ni kasik tukar lampu cantik color kuning.. wuwuwuw baru best layan tv kat atas.. pas tu bawak sofa bawah naik atas.. sofa bawah beli yg baru yg lebih elok & mahal hubby kata.. lorenzo? *wink*..
Minggu depan hubby plan nak cat dapur ai pulak.. saya request color hijau epal.. suka suka suka.. tq laling..
Petang biler dah settle semua bawak anak2 & maid beli barang kat tesco.. maid saya nak pi shopping ekeke...
Balik tapau kfc lepas tu kebabom.. pengsan sampai pagi.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Hari ini saya happy!!!
Sebab apa saya happy? Sebab saya telah berjaya solve satu issue yg sgt penting..ewah.. ada satu report ni dah 2 hari run lebih dr 10 jam.. so dorang ni suh saya check, dia running ker hang? So saya pun menggunakan lah segala kepakaran ninja hikmat tenaga solar buat analysis.. dan u ols tau tak apa?? Lepas saya buat analysis & bagi recommendation, malam tadi time US dorang implement recommendation yg saya buat tu.. tetiba report tu complete tak sampai 15 minit.. biar betik? Wuuhuuu... suka2.. happy2 lalalalala...
Hi Srinivas,
I have checked and found that :
1.) No other sessions blocking this concurrent request session at the moment.
2.) There is contention happening in hot table i.e AR.RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL (i/o wait on table AR.RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL)
3.) This concurrent request is running the following sql statement at the moment
4.) Current wait event is db_file_scattered_read, Current wait Clas is User I/O
Please find the details on the database session in attached file:
[attachment "Database session for Concurrent Request id 3605626.doc" deleted by Surfraz Mitegar/IT/Alticor]
The following file is the AWR report run between 9PM to 10 PM EST
[attachment "awr_report_22-Dec-09 9PMto10PM_EST.htm" deleted by Surfraz Mitegar/IT/Alticor]
I have run sql tuning thru ADDM and below is the recommendation:
[attachment "Recommendation.doc" deleted by Surfraz Mitegar/IT/Alticor]
Basically the session does not hang. It is running but there is i/o contention on table AR.RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL. This statement could be doing high disk reads.
Thanks, Edrina for the analysis.
I'm leaving this issue to you as from Functional perspective there is nothing we can do except verifying the results. I would suggest to include Bir Singh and Santanu from Oracle to resolve this immediately. You can contact Rahul Sarin to get Oracle resources.
I think this has become a Critical issue now as this functionality is not working since Saturday. Changed the incident INC000000233029 to Critical and assigned to Surfraz, the developer.
Just fyi:
This is working fine in all lower instances.
I can be reached on my cell# 616-916-3568. Feel free to call me at any time if you need my assistance.
Please wait for our word to start clearing the receipts again. Unless this issue is resolved, no point in clearing additional receipts. Last count we have about 300 orders to be processed.
Thanks and Regards
Srinivas Bolla
Sr.IT Business Systems Analyst – CoE
Desk: 616-787-5463; Cell: 616-916-3568
Hi All ,
We are in process of migrating the Index suggested by Edrina as per ADDM into TEST . Also modified the query which is causing performance issue .
FYI - This program was running fine from last couple of months . We haven't done any code changes recentely.
I am working on this issue and i will keep posting the updates .
Surfraz Mitegar
Surfraz Mitegar/... Hisham ..Edrina told "Basically the session does not hang. It is running but there is i/o contention on table AR.RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL. This statement could be doing high disk reads"
Hisham Salih/Su... Yes .. We are seeing this since the last 2 days .. Let us wait and see what will happen ..
Surfraz Mitegar/... After 15 - 20 min .. Can you also check whether any contention is there or not ... this time ..
Hisham Salih/Su... No need man .. It is finished

Srinivas Bolla/IT... YOU ARE KIDDING!
Surfraz Mitegar/... what is the output ..
Hisham Salih/Su... For 3621563 ... conc request ..
Srinivas Bolla/IT... unbelievable - it processed ALL
Hisham Salih/Su... Can u check from ur end ..
Srinivas Bolla/IT... YES MAN - it worked
Cathy Baker/IT/... YEAH!!!
Srinivas Bolla/IT... this is real Christmas
Surfraz Mitegar/... Index was the Culprit
Hisham Salih/Su... Happy holiday and vacation ..
Craig Abbott/IT... so can we check to see if pv/bv is showing up?
Hisham Salih/Su... I noticed during the run the way it ran is different ..
Srinivas Bolla/IT... it is already going Craig, several went already
Craig Abbott/IT... excellent
Craig Abbott/IT... ok - i'm just afraid it is too good to be true
Michael Tucker/... exactly
Srinivas Bolla/IT... it should be good, Craid for all the torture we had for the last two days on this
Michael Tucker/... hamid, think we have addressed issue
Hisham Salih/Su...
Hamid Abdullah/... cheking a few ords now
Srinivas Bolla/IT... it processed 186 orders in 8 mins
Hamid Abdullah/... Chekd a few orders and 'good as Gold'
weehuuu... report yg run lebih 10 jam complete dlm masa kurang dr 15 minit..yeszaaa...i loike!!
Email dr bos saya steve willard:
I want to express my deep appreciation for your dedication once again. I realize that you have spent many long hours on this and understand the effort it took to convince the customers that this course of action was in their best interest, but it paid off in the end for the business.
So the quote for the year is: "No need is finished"
Hi Srinivas,
I have checked and found that :
1.) No other sessions blocking this concurrent request session at the moment.
2.) There is contention happening in hot table i.e AR.RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL (i/o wait on table AR.RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL)
3.) This concurrent request is running the following sql statement at the moment
4.) Current wait event is db_file_scattered_read, Current wait Clas is User I/O
Please find the details on the database session in attached file:
[attachment "Database session for Concurrent Request id 3605626.doc" deleted by Surfraz Mitegar/IT/Alticor]
The following file is the AWR report run between 9PM to 10 PM EST
[attachment "awr_report_22-Dec-09 9PMto10PM_EST.htm" deleted by Surfraz Mitegar/IT/Alticor]
I have run sql tuning thru ADDM and below is the recommendation:
[attachment "Recommendation.doc" deleted by Surfraz Mitegar/IT/Alticor]
Basically the session does not hang. It is running but there is i/o contention on table AR.RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL. This statement could be doing high disk reads.
Thanks, Edrina for the analysis.
I'm leaving this issue to you as from Functional perspective there is nothing we can do except verifying the results. I would suggest to include Bir Singh and Santanu from Oracle to resolve this immediately. You can contact Rahul Sarin to get Oracle resources.
I think this has become a Critical issue now as this functionality is not working since Saturday. Changed the incident INC000000233029 to Critical and assigned to Surfraz, the developer.
Just fyi:
This is working fine in all lower instances.
I can be reached on my cell# 616-916-3568. Feel free to call me at any time if you need my assistance.
Please wait for our word to start clearing the receipts again. Unless this issue is resolved, no point in clearing additional receipts. Last count we have about 300 orders to be processed.
Thanks and Regards
Srinivas Bolla
Sr.IT Business Systems Analyst – CoE
Desk: 616-787-5463; Cell: 616-916-3568
Hi All ,
We are in process of migrating the Index suggested by Edrina as per ADDM into TEST . Also modified the query which is causing performance issue .
FYI - This program was running fine from last couple of months . We haven't done any code changes recentely.
I am working on this issue and i will keep posting the updates .
Surfraz Mitegar
Surfraz Mitegar/... Hisham ..Edrina told "Basically the session does not hang. It is running but there is i/o contention on table AR.RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL. This statement could be doing high disk reads"
Hisham Salih/Su... Yes .. We are seeing this since the last 2 days .. Let us wait and see what will happen ..
Surfraz Mitegar/... After 15 - 20 min .. Can you also check whether any contention is there or not ... this time ..
Hisham Salih/Su... No need man .. It is finished


Surfraz Mitegar/... what is the output ..
Hisham Salih/Su... For 3621563 ... conc request ..
Srinivas Bolla/IT... unbelievable - it processed ALL
Hisham Salih/Su... Can u check from ur end ..
Srinivas Bolla/IT... YES MAN - it worked
Cathy Baker/IT/... YEAH!!!
Srinivas Bolla/IT... this is real Christmas
Surfraz Mitegar/... Index was the Culprit
Hisham Salih/Su... Happy holiday and vacation ..
Craig Abbott/IT... so can we check to see if pv/bv is showing up?
Hisham Salih/Su... I noticed during the run the way it ran is different ..
Srinivas Bolla/IT... it is already going Craig, several went already
Craig Abbott/IT... excellent
Craig Abbott/IT... ok - i'm just afraid it is too good to be true
Michael Tucker/... exactly
Srinivas Bolla/IT... it should be good, Craid for all the torture we had for the last two days on this
Michael Tucker/... hamid, think we have addressed issue
Hisham Salih/Su...
Hamid Abdullah/... cheking a few ords now
Srinivas Bolla/IT... it processed 186 orders in 8 mins
Hamid Abdullah/... Chekd a few orders and 'good as Gold'
weehuuu... report yg run lebih 10 jam complete dlm masa kurang dr 15 minit..yeszaaa...i loike!!
Email dr bos saya steve willard:
I want to express my deep appreciation for your dedication once again. I realize that you have spent many long hours on this and understand the effort it took to convince the customers that this course of action was in their best interest, but it paid off in the end for the business.
So the quote for the year is: "No need is finished"
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Bye bye Penang... nanti kami datang lagiks...
Kami check out dr hotel dlm kul 12 lebih.. singgah pekena nasik kandar sekali lagiks ekekek nyum nyum... kasik itu perut kenyang2 yak u ols.. kali ni naik feri.. sajerk nak kasik anak2 merasa naik feri la pulak kan..
layan gambo jer lah yak..zaasss...

Feri sekarang color dah menarik ek.. colorful..
Berakhir lah percutian kami yg singkat tapi amat menyeronokkan & memuaskan hati sebab.. dapat turun uum, dapat makan segala macam yg diidam2 kan ahaks.. cuaca pulak tiba2 jerk elok sokmo sepanjang kami kat penang.. cerah & tak hujan.. alhamdulillah.. so dapat la anak2 main pantai puas2..
jambatan pulau pinang dr kejauhan...
bye bye penang...tata..



cuti-cuti mesia,
Penang Day 3- Isnin 07/12/09 - Main Pantai & naik kuda

Malam tu balik dr Padang Besar, sampai Penang dah malam.. anak2 semua dah terbungkang dlm keter.. so singgah nasik kandar kayu, tapau bawak balik makan kat hotel..
wuwuwuw.. heaven nyer dapat makan nasik kandar..shedap nyer.. tangkap leleh.. masih teringat2 sampai ke hari ni keh keh keh..







nota kaki:
qualiti gambo adalah amats kureng sebab saya captured gambo dr video.. nanti2 lah saya transfer gambo2 dr kamera maid saya.. masa ni malas nak bawak kamera turun, bawak video cam jerk..
cuti-cuti mesia,
Perihal Danisha
Danisha ni suka nyanyi tapi lirik semua main hentam kromo sajork
Antara nya lagu Alif tu..terbahak2 saya ketawa biler dia spontan nyanyi lagu tu biler saya tegur dia.. "shisha ni naper nakal sangat?"
Pis pis pis... kamu jgn nakal (please please please, kamu jgn nakal)
Nanti atuk datang..
bawa yg kau pesan...
hahaha camana pulak boleh dapat atuk pulak tu ekekeke
lagu 2
Tepuk la amai amai
belalang kupu kupu
Tepuk danisha pandai
malam2 upah susu
susu la lemak manis
santan kepala kuda
Danisha jgn menangis mama babah pegi kereja..
huhu..puas ajar dia sebut kelapa.. dia sebut kepala jugak..huhu.. pulak tu..kepala kuda pulak huhu
Antara nya lagu Alif tu..terbahak2 saya ketawa biler dia spontan nyanyi lagu tu biler saya tegur dia.. "shisha ni naper nakal sangat?"
Pis pis pis... kamu jgn nakal (please please please, kamu jgn nakal)
Nanti atuk datang..
bawa yg kau pesan...
hahaha camana pulak boleh dapat atuk pulak tu ekekeke
lagu 2
Tepuk la amai amai
belalang kupu kupu
Tepuk danisha pandai
malam2 upah susu
susu la lemak manis
santan kepala kuda
Danisha jgn menangis mama babah pegi kereja..
huhu..puas ajar dia sebut kelapa.. dia sebut kepala jugak..huhu.. pulak tu..kepala kuda pulak huhu

salam u ols..
Alhamdulillah haris dah semakin sembuh.. bagus dia, tak banyak merengek.. mmg tahan sakit betul la anak teruna saya ni.. suruh minum air kelapa dia minum..suh makan ubat..dia makan.. ckp jgn garu, dia try tahan..gosok2 jerk..tapi ada gak sekali sekala dia garu... tapi paling kagum mmg tak der nak merengek2 ni.. tak macam saya dulu2 huhuhu..

Gambar tak clear sebab amik guna hp jerk.. tak nampak sgt bintik2 tu.. tapi sebenarnya banyak jugak.. yg putih2 tu kesan letak callomine lotion.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Haris kena chicken pox!!
Maid saya baru call cakap haris kena chicken pox.. huhu patut la malam tadi badan dia panas.. neh saya tgh tunggu hubby amik.. saya kejer dr umah ari ni..
tapi kesian nya kat haris & najihah, kami patut pegi field trip ker petrosains kelolaan company hubby.. tapi dah jadiks cam ni hubby cancellah sebab kalau bawak jihah sorang kesian pulak kat haris.. so nanti2 la bawak kemudian.. tak der rezeki dorang kali ni..
Balik ni nak carik air kelapa bagi haris.. semoga haris cepat sembuh...
tapi kesian nya kat haris & najihah, kami patut pegi field trip ker petrosains kelolaan company hubby.. tapi dah jadiks cam ni hubby cancellah sebab kalau bawak jihah sorang kesian pulak kat haris.. so nanti2 la bawak kemudian.. tak der rezeki dorang kali ni..
Balik ni nak carik air kelapa bagi haris.. semoga haris cepat sembuh...
Monday, December 14, 2009
Penang Day 2 - Ahad 06/12/09 - Hasil rampasan
ekekeke.. tak der la shopping apa sangat pun u ols.. just beli satu, dua baju buat belasahan kat umah sajork.. beli sebab harga jauh lebih murah dr rege kat pasar malam puncak alam ekekeke lagipun alang2 dah sampai beli jer laa..
Baju bola utk haris.. danisha cakap ni baju babah sebab babah dia tu peminat no 1 MU, so byk la jersi MU
utk najihah..
utk danisha.. ini budak suka tukar2 baju.. satu hari tak kurang 3 pasang tukar huhu... tu baru siang.. biler malam pun sama, 2,3 kali tukar baju huhu.. tak leh basah or kotor sikit.. dia pi naik atas sendiri..bukak baju sendiri & pakai sendiri..adoiiyai.. hubby panggil dia mak datin sebab asyik nak melawa jerk ekekeke... biler saya naik atas tgk dia tukar baju selamba jer dia cakap ..'dah basah dah baju shisha... shisha tukar bajulah'... padahal dia yg cariks pasal pi main air etc adeh la anak dara ni sorang...mmg betul2 mak datin lah..
baju titun utk saya & 2 helai suar belasahan ekekeke
okes.. itu jerk yg dibeli wekekeke... kami byk beli buah.. buah limau barli, buah jambu air yg color merah tu, jambu batu yg tak dak bijik, durian, rambutan.







cuti-cuti mesia,
padang besar,
Penang Day 2 - Ahad 06/12/09 - Shopping@Pdg Besar
hasil shoppingan
cuti-cuti mesia,
padang besar,
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