I love to blog/talk about my family. These sincere sharings are to tell you that family bonding is on top of my life agenda and i believe that each one of us have a uniqueness that others can leverage on. Being very family-oriented, I hope all my entries can contribute by 'prosperizing' other family. This world needs great family towards building great ummah :)

Doa utk Semua
Ya Allah cukupkan rizki padaku, berkahilah rezeki itu dan gantikan semua yg hilang dengan yang lebih baik lagi. Ya Allah sukakan diriku pd IMAN dan hiasi hatiku dengan IMAN itu. Ya Allah sembuhkan bila ada teman-teman yg sakit, lunasi bagi yang berhutang, mudahkan jodoh yg soleh/solehah bagi yg belum, mudahkan pekerjaan bila yang belum mendapatkannya.. ameen


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Selamat Tahun Baru

In another one day we will move into a new year. It is also the time to bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new year.It is the time for new beginnings and new starts in life that will fill our heart with new hopes and new opportunities.

wish you and your family a happy, healthy and prosperous new year.

nota kaki:

oh saya kena kejer 1,2 & 3 January 2010.. Huhu monitor year end Job.. tapi sib baik kejer dr umah sajork..

Hari ni pun saya kejer dr umah sebab Danisha pulak kena chicken pox huhu

1 comment:

isya said...

selamat thn br kak,
danisha plak ke yg kena, semoga cepat sembuh ye..
