Saya dan hubby plan nak beli iphone neh..kebetulan launching dia 11 July saya ada kat sini..dan harga dia sgt2 murah usd199 cam rugi lak kalau tak beli..sah2 kalau kat mesia nanti harga dia 2-3K kan... Tapi nampaknya bukan rezeki kami nak memiliki benda neh.. ari tu saya dah pi tanya kat AT&T & dorang confirmkan tak boleh unlock maknanya tak boleh digunakan luar dr US. Tapi sebenarnya benda ni bukan lah benda yg mengecewakan saya tapi apa yg mengecewakan saya bila ramai kawan2 saya sms saya suruh beli utk dorang & bila saya tak boleh unlock dorang cam tak percaya.. lagipun kalau boleh unlock pun baik saya beli utk saya & hubby.. max 2 sajer...kalau tak nanti balik kena tax kat kastam..mahal ooo... siap cakap dorang leh unlock sendiri etc.. tak paham2 lagiks ker.. cam dorang yg lebih tahu dr Apple & AT&T.
Neh saya paste announcement dr Apple & AT&T
What to bring.
To purchase and activate iPhone 3G, you need the following:*
Credit card
Social security number
Valid government-issued photo ID - sah2 kena register atas nama saya kan..takkan saya nak register atas nama saya utk semua org..kalau dorang pun dorang tak nak kan.
Current wireless account number and password or PIN (if you’re new to AT&T)
If you already own an iPhone, remember to sync it with iTunes one last time before you get your new iPhone 3G.
*Transferring your mobile number will terminate your service with your existing provider; termination fees and other charges will apply. New two-year contract required. Qualified customers only; credit check required; must be 18 or older. Visit to check AT&T network coverage in your area. Current and new iPhone users who now or will receive service under a corporate account and wish to upgrade to or purchase iPhone 3G need to contact AT&T directly. iPhone 3G is configured to work only with the wireless services provided by AT&T. - see kan saya ckp tak leh unlock...sendiri mau pikir la
To purchase and activate iPhone 3G, you need the following:*
Credit card
Social security number
Valid government-issued photo ID - sah2 kena register atas nama saya kan..takkan saya nak register atas nama saya utk semua org..kalau dorang pun dorang tak nak kan.
Current wireless account number and password or PIN (if you’re new to AT&T)
If you already own an iPhone, remember to sync it with iTunes one last time before you get your new iPhone 3G.
*Transferring your mobile number will terminate your service with your existing provider; termination fees and other charges will apply. New two-year contract required. Qualified customers only; credit check required; must be 18 or older. Visit to check AT&T network coverage in your area. Current and new iPhone users who now or will receive service under a corporate account and wish to upgrade to or purchase iPhone 3G need to contact AT&T directly. iPhone 3G is configured to work only with the wireless services provided by AT&T. - see kan saya ckp tak leh unlock...sendiri mau pikir la
1 comment:
Hehe, actually boleh unlock. Kalau yang dulu nye, without 3G, kita guna jailbreak.Even, Iphone (without 3g) yg masuk msia, masuk mll singapore and kita guna s/ware ni hacker buat untuk unlock. But, since yang baru ni.. is totally baru.. 3G plak tu, hehehe pastu kena register a line with AT&T, i suggest akak beli iphone without 3g pon ok gark =). Then update firmware dia, as u bole masuk memana forum for this info =)... Ina suggest akak beli la yg lama for both, ehheeh ... kalau saye di beri peluang beli... ehheeh lama pon ok jugak =). Skrang mcm2, but ina mmg tau yg 3g tu, dia ader sekuriti feature so.. kita tunggu la abg2 hacker kita buat software =)... chill~~
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